UX Design & Fashion
Mockup - IKEA - Lavender.png


I redesigned a mobile site icon set for one of the world’s most affordable and beloved furniture brands, IKEA.

In 2016, I explored IKEA’s site for new bedroom furniture to achieve the best snooze optimization. The existing site navigation used various categories and corresponding icons that I had to squint to distinguish.

I decided to make the icon design more meaningful and robust, and here’s what I came up with…

living room - ikea_icons.png
business - ikea_icons.png
storage - ikea_icons.png
bedroom - ikea_icons.png
outdoor - ikea_icons.png
office - ikea_icons.png
lighting - ikea_icons.png
seasonal - ikea_icons.png
bathroom - ikea_icons.png
laundry - ikea_icons.png
hallway - ikea_icons.png
decor - ikea_icons.png
kitchen - ikea_icons.png
children - ikea_icons.png
dining - ikea_icons.png
 Original IKEA mobile app screenshot vs. an icon infused display of shopping categories.

Original IKEA mobile app screenshot vs. an icon infused display of shopping categories.